Company Overview

Corporate name AIROSE Inc.
The company establishment August 13,2002
Capital 10 million yen
Representative CEO Kumiko Fujimoto
The number of employees 8
Main Office 1-7 2F-AIROSE Ashiya,Shinnozukacho,Ashiyashi,Hyogo,659-0016,Japan
℡ +81-50-3536-7720
Nishinomiya office 1-10-18,Nishikoya,Amagasaki-shi,Hyogo,AiroBuilding 2floor,
Member group All Japan association of residential land building business
License The governor of permission realestate Hyogo(4)203878
Permission of the building industry the governor of Hyogo Prefecture permission(general-29)217620
Affiliates Airo Fudousan Hanbai

Airo car share

Ashiya salon "AIROSE"